What Is Detoxification From Alcohol And Other Drugs?

Detoxification from alcohol and other drugs is known as detoxification. This detoxification from alcohol and other drugs is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so there are fewer risks to the addict inpatient setting. Many people undergoing detoxification from alcohol and other drugs do not want to stay in an inpatient setting for a number of reasons. Most of these people have to travel long distances to reach their treatment facility, so they prefer to be in an out patient setting for the time being, until they are able to commit to inpatient care. As such many people do not want to go through withdrawal symptoms that are associated with withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs.

When a patient has completed detoxification, they then receive maintenance treatment at a reputable detoxification center. This maintenance treatment may be residential or outpatient services. There are various programs that can help an individual during periods when they are not sober. Maintenance detoxification helps an individual to make the transition back to living a normal lifestyle while receiving ongoing treatment for substance-related issues. Maintenance detoxification usually does not last very long, as most individuals go through withdrawal symptoms very quickly.

detox in austin

It is important to detoxify from alcohol and other substances under the supervision of a physician, because even after completing a detoxification treatment plan, there is still a high risk of relapse. Relapse is a common issue among those attempting to detoxify from substances of abuse. It is important for those who are trying to quit to consult their physicians and to follow their prescribed treatments closely. Many individuals who try to quit alcohol and substance use will relapse at some point, and may do so again if they do not receive additional treatment. Relapse prevention is an important component of all addiction treatment plans.