History of Famous Inventors

Famous inventors are few and very far between. Most individuals are familiar with famous inventions that have been made by the famous scientists, composers or inventors, but unfortunately there are just a handful of truly famous inventors. In this series, we will discuss the most famous inventors in history and the amazing concepts they innovated. The most important thing to keep in mind is that in addition to an invention being an incredible idea, it also needs to be very creative. When you are able to visualize and imagine something in your head, chances are that you are also capable of building the actual thing. Here we will discuss the most famous of all inventions, the telephone.

Without a doubt the air conditioner is one of the most famous inventions of all time. One of the most incredible things that came from this is the talking doll. This talking doll was used to give children a chance to communicate with each other using only noises from the air conditioner. Because of this invention, many communicative problems in schools were solved.

There have been many famous inventors who are considered to have come up with the cotton gin. Cotton Gin was invented by a man called Samuel Simon. The invention of the cotton gin was in direct result of a need to be able to make cloth items that could be worn as clothing. As a result, when it was manufactured, he made a great contribution to the industry.

In addition to the cotton gin, there have been many other famous inventions. For instance, people could not drive their car when they had no shoes on. However, until the invention of the air conditioner, people would spend hours in their cars covering themselves in various kinds of foot powders in order to cool off. Because of this innovation, people could now spend the day comfortably even though they did not wear shoes. Thanks to the innovators of the time.

Some other famous inventions include the telephone and the electric telegraph. Because of the inventions of the telegraph and the electric telegraph, communication between two locations was made very simple. While the telephone was created over a century ago, it has played a very big role in communications today.


While all of these things may seem fairly commonplace, it is important to look at the ones that were made particularly by famous inventors. For instance, perhaps the most important invention of all time came about because of a man called Thomas Edison. He is famous for a particular device that is called the phonograph. Thanks to him, we have an option to listen to music today that does not involve an intermediary. Also, if you are interested in learning more about the history of some of these inventions, check out the links below.