While it’s tempting to plant a densely packed tree

While it’s tempting to plant a densely packed tree, it’s best to give it plenty of space. Allow your new tree at least three feet between it and the trunk to encourage healthy growth. If you can, keep your trees at least three feet apart. Then, mulch the trunk and ground around them to create a protective boundary. Lastly, you should give your trees at least a year of winter rest before fertilizing them.

Proper pruning is essential for tree growth. Pruning your trees is an important aspect of healthy tree growth. If done right, it can extend the life of a tree and give it the desired shape. Whether you prune the trees yourself or hire a professional, good pruning is critical to a tree’s health. In addition, proper care of your trees will help prevent any of these diseases.

Steadfast Tree Care Fredericksburg

Keeping them well pruned will also reduce the risk of damage from diseases and pests.After planting, make sure you prune your trees sparingly, and mulch around the tree as much as possible. You don’t want to stress the tree, but you should avoid using harmful pesticides such as Roundup around your trees. Always read and follow the directions on the label. A slow-growing tree will allow you to shape it the way you want it, without the hassle of constant pruning. And you should use only biodegradable materials to wrap your newly planted trees.