Effective Alcohol and Drug Detoxification Techniques

When you hear about detoxification, what immediately comes into your mind are usually two words: detox and diets. But this is far from the truth. There is more to detoxification than just diets. Before we talk further about detoxification, let’s have a quick look at what it actually is. Detoxification (or detoxification) is the medical or physical removal of poisonous materials from the body, including the vital organs, that is mainly done by the liver. It can also refer to the time of drug withdrawal wherein an addict returns back to normal homeostasis once he or she has overcome the cravings for the drug.

Although detoxification involves the removal of harmful substances, this process does not necessarily mean complete eradication from the substances involved. Most addicts do not die from detoxification, though of course it is possible that they will not pass away because of it, but this is a rather unusual occurrence. The main cause behind detoxification is that the body has been exposed to too many toxins. This can be due to abuse of drugs, exposure to toxins in the environment, or just a lack of proper diet. Most experts agree that rapid detoxification is not a recommended process in an addiction treatment program because it may leave the addict vulnerable to other health problems as the remnants of the harmful substances may accumulate in other parts of the body aside from the liver, which cannot handle them all at once.

Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs requires medical assistance from doctors. But detoxification can also occur naturally. There are detoxification programs that encourage people to take on a simple liquid diet for seven days to fast and cleanse the system. Some detoxification supplements are also available in the market today that are used to reduce the withdrawal effects from alcoholic and drug use. A detox program, therefore, should not necessarily be considered the last resort of an addict trying to free himself from the grasp of addiction.

Detoxification treatments are most commonly used by people who are trying to cleanse their systems after suffering from a certain illness. The process is said to remove all the poisons (also called toxins) stored in the system, thus promoting health and well being. Some diseases that are commonly treated with cleansing are cancer, colon ulcers, leukemia and lymphoma, hepatitis, and Parkinson’s disease. Aside from these, detoxification treatments are also used to combat nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol addiction. People who have recently suffered from serious illnesses like cancer, liver and kidney diseases, bone marrow and stem cell transplants are also advised to detoxify regularly.

Like any other detoxification process, detoxification from alcohol and drugs can also lead to side effects like headaches, nausea, flu symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea, and tremors. It is important, therefore, that a person undergoes detoxification under the supervision of his doctor. The process itself should only last for four to five days, depending on the severity of the addict’s condition. There are some medical facilities that offer detox programs for long-term treatments, which may require more than a week or two.

nj detoxification facilities

One of the most popular methods of detoxification is through the combination of detox diets and professional detoxification programs. Combination therapy refers to a diet full of raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and other natural and organic substances that help the body eliminate toxins. These diets are based on a detoxification philosophy that believes the body should become an efficient machine that can eliminate toxins on its own. Some detoxification programs also recommend hydrotherapy, iontophoresis, or fasting as additional methods to help detoxify the body. For those who are looking to detoxify their bodies on their own, home detoxification recipes are available in books or online detoxification guides.