Water is among the most essential products that you can get within your body

The body of yours is comprised from 66% water. Therefore, it is essential to put the correct amount of water into your system. Water doesn’t just consist of H2O but also provides you with the necessary minerals such as calcium. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of water per day . However, today’s tap water is contaminated with nitrates trihalomethanes, lead , and aluminum, which can be harmful to the body. In the UK and the US the concentration of toxins in our water are higher than the safe limit.

Exposed to toxins at Camp Lejeune

People are switching to bottles of water and filters, however these water sources do not just remove the toxins they also remove essential minerals. This is why I suggest having filters that allow the minerals back into the water or by adding electrolyte solutions. The brand I suggest is called ‘elete’.

Another issue is the quantity of prescription drugs that get into your water supply, particularly that contraceptive pill. Are you aware that the weight of younger generations is rising due to the quantity of hormones present within your drinking water as well as your food? The chlorination process in the water supply does not help, and in some cases it could be making it worse. In 2002, a study by the US Geological Service discovered that the water sources contain viruses and microbial contaminants including hormones, pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals. In 2004, the USGS examined a water plant and the water that went in and out. In the water coming into the plant, scientists discovered 40 prescription and non-prescription medications and their metabolites flame retardants, fragrance compounds as well as disinfectants, cosmetics soaps as well as animal and plant steroids.

The standard chlorination treatment takes care of the disinfectants, soaps, detergents and steroids, however it allowed other drugs to be absorbed into the water. There were still contaminants present in the water, but how safe was chlorination for humans? The source of these substances comes from the act of throwing empty prescriptions down the toilet as well as in people’s urine. These drugs end in the system of sewerage and are recycled back into the drinking water system. In certain areas within London there is a possibility that the supply of water might have already been through kidneys belonging to five individuals. Chlorination is one of the most effective ways to get rid of virus and bacteria but it’s not effective on certain parasites. However , chlorine may react with certain organic matter found in the water, resulting in chlorine-related ‘disinfection products’ (trihalomethanes THMs). Studies have proven that it may cause cancer , such as pancreatic or colorectal cancer and also a slight increase in brain cancer. The most significant link is bladder cancer. Studies also reveal that it’s associated with miscarriages. Chlorination is also linked to fetus growth defects as well as cancer. Not just drinking THMs can this cause an effect, but also when it is a common practice to bathe or take showers in the.

So , what’s the solution? Bottled water isn’t an effective substitute due to the issues with plastics so the only alternative is to invest in reverse osmosis cleanser (a plumbed-in device) or carbon-block filter. Attach it to the water before it is introduced into your home. It is possible that buying bottled water would be an option but is it? In 1999, the NRDC (National Resource Defence Council) conducted a study on the industry of bottled water across the US. They found that 35 of 103 brands contained contaminations. Many were contaminated by ‘bacterial overgrowth’. other brands had high levels of trihalomethanes, arsenic, chloroform or fluoride. Some brands contained high levels of arsenic as well as phthalates which aren’t permitted in tap water.

Phthalates are chemicals added to plastics in order to allow them to be flexible. The most significant pollution of water bottles comes due to its container Phthalates are estrogen-like compounds and can cause damage to the liver, genitals, kidneys and the lungs. There are even strict guidelines on phthalates that apply to water that is filtered, but not water that is bottled. Bisphenol-A (BPA) is a polycarbon. It is a second toxin which mimics oestrogen and can disrupt the hormonal system, causing genetic disorders. Therefore, any water bottle can be classified as harmful, even the huge office water fountain. A biodegradable bottle made of cornstarch will only release tiny amounts of lactic acid, which isn’t dangerous. The blue brand is available in Waitrose supermarkets across the UK.

What’s the answer? Drink tap water, but filter it, and then store inside a glass bottle or an stainless-steel bottle. Brita eliminates the chlorine content by 85 and 70% of pesticides and there is no fluoride and nitrates. The filters in the kitchen sink eliminate 99% of the bacteria as well as 95 percent of heavy metals, chlorine and pesticides. Systems that are plugged in employ reverse osmosis, which completely removes everything but the nutrients. A good electrolyte can provide the solution and allow the nutrients back into.